Agenda Astoria 2013

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Cascadia EarthScope Earthquake and Tsunami Education Program (CEETEP)

Workshop for Teachers, Interpreters, and Emergency Management Educators

October 11-14, 2013

Clatsop Community College, Astoria, OR

Primary room: Columbia Hall 219 (assume this room unless otherwise noted)

Secondary room: Columbia Hall 221 (possibly also study rooms 201 and 224)

Friday, October 11 (Day 1)

8:30 Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early

1. Introductions: CEETEP, EarthScope, Participants, Instructors (Beth Pratt-Sitaula)

Please sit with your Action Team.  Tables will be marked.

10:15 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)
10:30 2. Beauty and the Beast: Plate Tectonics and Geological Hazards of the Pacific Northwest (Bob Lillie)
12:00 Thoughts/questions/reflection (Bob Lillie, Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
12:15 Lunch (Served in Columbia 221). You may eat in either room or other appropriate places around CCC.
1:00 3. Basics of Earthquake and Tsunami Science and Hazards (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) 
3:15 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)
3:30 4. Preparedness for Distant Tsunami and Surviving an Earthquake (Pat Corcoran, Bob DeGroot)
4:30 Forms: Reimbursements; Stipends; Photo Permissions; Logistics for Day 2 Field Trip (Nancee Hunter, Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
4:45 Reflection, Questions, Implications (Pat Corcoran, Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
5:30 Adjourn


Saturday, October 12 (Day 2)

Field Trip Guide
8:30 Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early    
9:00 Depart Clatsop Community College for Field Trip (designated car pools will be arranged Day 1)    
9:15 Stop 1: Tongue Point Coast Guard Station GPS Station (Beth Pratt-Sitaula) GPS Station Visit component of EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) and discuss what measurements tell us about earthquake hazard.
9:45 Drive to Long Beach    
10:45 Stop 2: Long Beach (Bob Lillie; Pat Corcoran) Beauty and the Beast; Extreme Evacuation Challenges Brainstorm about interpretive opportunities and overcoming challenging tsunami evacuation sites.
11:45 Drive to Ilwaco    
12:00 Lunch at One Pacific Coast Bank on Ilwaco waterfront    
12:45 Stop 3: Ilwaco Evacuation Walk (Pat Corcoran) Tsunami Evacuation Route We will walk the actual evacuation route from Ilwaco waterfront.  Includes time to think about and discuss hazards, infrastructure, solutions.
1:45 Drive to Niawiakum River and Toilet Break at Goose Point Oyster    
2:30 Stop 4: Niawiakum River (Brian Atwater, Bob Butler) Tsunami Geology Core for tsunami sand and discuss the varied evidence used to determine Cascadia's Great Quake and tsunami history.
4:30 Drive back to Clatsop Community College    
5:30 Adjourn    


Sunday, October 13 (Day 3)

8:30 Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early

5. Cascadia Earthquakes and Tsunami and Related Teaching Activities (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) 

Please site with your Action Team. Tables will be marked.

10:30 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)
10:45 5. Cascadia Earthquakes and Tsunami and Related Teaching Activities (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) 
12:00 Thoughts/questions/reflection (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom)
12:15 Lunch (Served in Columbia 221). You may eat in either room or other appropriate places around CCC.
1:00 6. Preparedness and Surviving Local Tsunami Event (Althea Rizzo)
1:45 7. Native American Oral Histories (Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
2:30 8. Exchange of Pedagogies: Interpreting the "Beauty and the Beast" Story of the Oregon Coast (Bob Lillie)
3:00 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)
3:15 Reflection, Questions, Implications (Pat Corcoran, Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
4:00 Action Teams: Interpretive Program Development. Teams work on 10-minute interpretive program that they will present on Day 4.
5:30 Adjourn


Monday, October 14 (Day 4)

8:30 Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early
9:00 9. Digital Resources (Beth Pratt-Sitaula, Bob DeGroot)
9:45 10. Preparedness for Post-event Personal and Community Survival (Althea Rizzo)
10:30 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)

Break Out Sessions

Room 221 (small room)

11. Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures (Roger Groom)


Room 219 (big room)

Hazard Inventory (Bonnie Magura, Althea Rizzo)

Interpreters & EM Educators


Break Out Sessions           

Room 221

Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures (Roger Groom)

Interpreters & EM Educators

Room 219

Hazard Inventory (Bonnie Magura, Althea Rizzo)


12:00 Lunch (Served in Columbia 221). You may eat in either room or other appropriate places around CCC.
12:45 Action Teams: Interpretive Program Presentation. Each group presents their 10-minute Interpretive Programs. Discussion after each about content and efficacy.
2:15 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)
2:30 Action Teams: Collaboration and Share-a-Thon Plans. Collective discussion about the task, schedule, and logistics for each Action Team to develop their March 8, 2014 Share-a-Thon products
4:15 Post-Workshop Assessment (Michael Coe, Beth Pratt-Sitaula). Focus groups will be held by educator type (teachers, interpreters, EM educators. When you are not in a focus group, you will be taking the post-workshop survey.)
5:30 Adjourn