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Cascadia EarthScope Earthquake and Tsunami Education Program (CEETEP)

Workshop for Teachers, Interpreters, and Emergency Management Educators

August 11-14, 2014

Aberdeen Museum of History

Primary room:  Aberdeen Museum of History Exhibit Room
Secondary room: Meeting Room #1 (lower level)

 Monday, August 11 (Day 1)

 Cascadia plate tectonics, earthquakes and tsunamis; Seismic and GPS monitoring: Earthquake and distant tsunami preparedness

8:30 Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early

1. Introductions: CEETEP, EarthScope, Participants, Instructors (Bob Lillie)

10:15 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)
10:30 2. Beauty and the Beast: Plate Tectonics and Geological Hazards of the Pacific Northwest (Bob Lillie)
12:00 Thoughts/questions/reflection (Bob Lillie, Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
12:15 Lunch (Served in Entry Area)

3. Basics of Earthquake and Tsunami Science and Hazards (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) 
Associated animations:

3:15 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)

4. Surviving a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake (Brynne Walker, Bob de Groot)

4:30 Forms: Reimbursements; Stipends; Photo Permissions; Logistics for Day 2 Field Trip (Nancee Hunter, Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
4:45 Reflection, Questions, Implications (facilitation team)
5:30 Adjourn


Tuesday, August 12 (Day 2)

Field Trip Guide

Field Trip: Cascadia earthquake and tsunami geology; EarthScope GPS installation; Earthquake and tsunami emergency planning

7:30 Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early    

Depart Aberdeen Museum of History for Field Trip (designated car pools will be arranged Day 1)


Stop 1: Elk River Estuary (Brian Atwater, Bob Butler)

Tsunami Geology

Core for tsunami sand and discuss the varied evidence used to determine Cascadia's Great Quake and tsunami history.

11:00 Drive to Ocosta Elementary School    
11:15 Stop 2: Ocosta Elementary School (Brynné Walker, Paula Akerlund, and Cale Ash) 

Tsunami Vertical-Evacuation Structure

Visit construction site for vertical-evacuation structure.

12:00 Drive to Grayland Fire Hall, Intersection of Hwy 105 & Grayland Beach Access Rd    

Lunch, Grayland Fire Hall

1:00 Stop 3: Grayland Beach (Bob Lillie; Brynné Walker)

Beauty and the Beast; Extreme Evacuation Challenges

Brainstorm about interpretive opportunities and overcoming challenging tsunami evacuation sites.


Grayland Beach Evacuation Walk (Brynné Walker)

Tsunami Evacuation Route

Walk from Grayland Beach to Turkey Road Assembly Area. Includes time to think about and discuss hazards, infrastructure, solutions.


Drive to Stafford Prison off Hwy 105 between Aberdeen and Westport

3:00 Stop 4: GPS Station P398.  (Beth Pratt-Sitaula) GPS Stations

Visit component of EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) and discuss how movements of Earth's surface tell us about earthquake hazard.

4:15 Drive back to Aberdeen Museum of History    
4:30 Adjourn    


Wednesday, August 13 (Day 3)

Cascadia earthquake and tsunami science and activities; Local tsunami preparedness; Native American oral histories; Pedagogical exchange among educators; Action Team planning

8:30 Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early

5. Cascadia Earthquakes and Tsunami and Related Teaching Activities (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) 
Associated animations:

10:30 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)
10:45 5. Cascadia Earthquakes and Tsunami and Related Teaching Activities (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) 
12:00 Thoughts/questions/reflection (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom)
12:15 Lunch (Served in Entry Area)

Science Storytelling through Interpretation: CEETEP team presents example of "Group Interpretive Program" from 2013 Workshop.


6. Tsunami: Are You Ready (Brynné Walker)
   Tsunami Basics video - NOAA


7. Native American Oral Histories (Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
Associated videos:

2:45 8. Exchange of Pedagogies: Working Together in Coastal Communities to Engage Students, Visitors and Residents on Earthquake and Tsunami Science and Preparedness (Bob Lillie)
3:15 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)

Birds-of-a-Feather Breakouts: How do I relate earthquake/tsunami science and preparedness to my learners at my venue? (Interpreters: Bob Lillie & Bob de Groot; EM Educators: Beth Pratt-Sitaula & Brynne Walker; Teachers: Bob Butler & Nancee Hunter)

4:15 Action Teams: Teams work on Community Educational Project on earthquake and tsunami science and preparedness. They will present their project plan during Day 4 of this workshop, and the results of implementation at the March 7, 2015 Share-A-Thon in Quinault, WA.
5:30 Adjourn


Thursday, October 14 (Day 4)

Community earthquake and tsunami preparedness; Action Team presentations and postworkshop action plans

8:30 Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early
9:00 9. Digital Resources (Beth Pratt-Sitaula, Bob DeGroot)
  Digital resources handout [docx]
9:45 10. Preparedness for Post-event Personal and Community Survival (Brynné Walker)
10:30 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)

Break Out Sessions

Meeting Room #1 (basement)

11. Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures (Roger Groom)
Associated resources:


Main Hall

Hazard Inventory (Bonnie Magura, Althea Rizzo)

Interpreters & EM Educators


Break Out Sessions           

Meeting Room #1 (basement)

Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures (Roger Groom)

Interpreters & EM Educators

Main Hall

Hazard Inventory (Bonnie Magura, Brynné Walker)


12:15 Lunch (Served in Entry Area)
1:00 Action Teams: Final preparations for presentations and discussion about the task, schedule, and logistics for each Action Team to develop their March 7, 2015 Share-a-Thon products.

Action Teams: Groups 1, 2, and 3 present their ideas for development of Community Educational Programs on earthquake/tsunami science and preparedness. 20 minutes total per group (2 minutes prelude; 10 minutes presentation; 8 minutes discussion). Groups are encouraged to model how they will present specific concepts in different educational settings.

2:45 Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks)

Action Teams (continued): Groups 4 and 5 presentations.


Action Teams debrief and further develop their Project Plan, including tasks, schedule, and logistics for completing and implementing their project and reporting results at March 7, 2015 Share-a-Thon.

4:15 Post-Workshop Assessment (Michael Coe, Beth Pratt-Sitaula). Focus groups will be held by educator type (teachers, interpreters, EM educators). When you are not in a focus group, you will be taking the post-workshop survey.
5:30 Adjourn