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Workshop for Teachers, Interpreters, and Emergency Management Educators
Olympic Natural Resources Center
Primary room: Hemlock Forest Room
Secondary room: Library
Friday, October 10 (Day 1) |
Cascadia plate tectonics, earthquakes and tsunamis; Seismic and GPS monitoring: Earthquake and distant tsunami preparedness |
8:30 | Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early |
9:00 |
1. Introductions: CEETEP, EarthScope, Participants, Instructors (Beth Pratt-Sitaula) |
10:15 | Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks) |
10:30 |
2. Beauty and the Beast: Plate Tectonics and Geological Hazards of the Pacific Northwest (Bob Butler) |
12:00 | Thoughts/questions/reflection (Bob Butler, Beth Pratt-Sitaula) |
12:15 | Lunch (Served in Social Room) |
1:00 |
3. Basics of Earthquake and Tsunami Science and Hazards (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) |
3:15 | Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks) |
3:30 |
4. Surviving a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake (Brynné Walker) Introduction to Quake Catcher Network and the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill (Bob de Groot) |
4:30 | Forms: Reimbursements; Stipends; Photo Permissions; Logistics for Day 2 Field Trip (Nancee Hunter, Beth Pratt-Sitaula) |
4:45 | Reflection, Questions, Implications (Beth Pratt-Sitaula, Brynné Walker) |
5:30 | Adjourn |
Saturday, October 11 (Day 2) |
Field Trip Guide | ||
Field Trip: Cascadia earthquake and tsunami geology; EarthScope GPS installation; Earthquake and tsunami emergency planning |
7:30 | Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early | ||
8:00 |
Depart ONRC (designated car pools will be arranged Day 1) |
8:30 |
Stop 1: Waatch Prairie (Brian Atwater, David Yamaguchi, Bob Butler) |
Tsunami Geology |
Core for buried soils and discuss the varied evidence used to determine Cascadia's Great Quake and tsunami history. |
10:50 | Drive to Makah Senior Center | ||
11:00 | Stop 2: Evacuation walk (Brynné Walker, Paula Akerlund, and Cale Ash) |
Tsunami Evacuation Route |
Includes time to think about and discuss hazards, infrastructure, and solutions. |
12:15 | Drive to Makah Cultural and Research Center | ||
12:30 |
Lunch: Makah Cultrual and Reserach Center |
1:00 | Stop 3: Interpretive site (Nancee Hunter, Paul Gleeson) |
Beauty and the Beast; Interpreting hazard topics; Ozette landslide |
Brainstorm about interpretive opportunities and presentation on the Ozette landslide. |
2:00 |
Drive to GPS station |
Walk from Grayland Beach to Turkey Road Assembly Area. Includes time to think about and discuss hazards, infrastructure, solutions. |
3:20 | Stop 4: GPS Station P401 (Beth Pratt-Sitaula) | GPS Stations |
Visit component of EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) and discuss how movements of Earth's surface tell us about earthquake hazard. Watch a NOAA weather balloon launch. |
4:10 | Drive back to ONRC | ||
4:30 | Adjourn |
Sunday, October 12 (Day 3) |
Cascadia earthquake and tsunami science and activities; Local tsunami preparedness; Native American oral histories; Pedagogical exchange among educators; Action Team planning |
8:30 | Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early |
9:00 |
5. Cascadia Earthquakes and Tsunami and Related Teaching Activities (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) |
10:30 | Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks) |
10:45 | 5. Cascadia Earthquakes and Tsunami and Related Teaching Activities (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) |
12:00 | Thoughts/questions/reflection (Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) |
12:15 | Lunch (Served in Social Room) |
1:00 |
6. Tsunami: Are You Ready (Brynné Walker) |
1:45 |
7. Native American Oral Histories (Beth Pratt-Sitaula) |
2:30 | Science Storytelling through Interpretation: CEETEP team presents examples of "Group Interpretive Program" from 2013 Workshop |
2.45 | Birds-of-a-Feather Breakouts: How do I relate earthquake/tsunami science and preparedness to my learners at my venue? (Interpreters: Nancee Hunter & Bob de Groot; EM Educators: Beth Pratt-Sitaula & Brynné Walker; Teachers: Bob Butler, Bonnie Magura, Roger Groom) |
3:30 | Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks) |
3:45 | 8. Exchange of Pedagogies: Working Together in Coastal Communities to Engage Students, Visitors and Residents on Earthquake and Tsunami Science and Preparedness (Nancee Hunter) |
4:15 | Action Teams: Teams work on Community Educational Project on earthquake and tsunami science and preparedness. They will present their project plan during Day 4 of this workshop, and the results of implementation at the March 7, 2015 Share-A-Thon in Quinault, WA. |
5:30 | Adjourn |
Monday, October 13 (Day 4) |
Community earthquake and tsunami preparedness; Action Team presentations and postworkshop action plans |
8:30 | Coffee, tea, juice, snacks for those who arrive early | |||
9:00 | 9. Digital Resources (Beth Pratt-Sitaula, Bob DeGroot) Digital resources handout [docx] |
9:55 | 10. Preparedness for Post-event Personal and Community Survival (Brynné Walker) | |||
10:40 | Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks) | |||
10:55 |
Break Out Sessions |
Hemlock Forest Room (big room) 11. Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures (Roger Groom)
Teachers |
Library Hazard Inventory (Bonnie Magura, Brynné Walker) Interpreters & EM Educators |
11:45 |
Break Out Sessions |
Hemlock Forest Room (big room) Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures (Roger Groom) Interpreters & EM Educators |
Library Hazard Inventory (Bonnie Magura, Brynné Walker) Teachers |
12:30 | Lunch (Served in Social Room) | |||
1:15 | Action Teams: Final preparations for presentations and discussion about the task, schedule, and logistics for each Action Team to develop their March 7, 2015 Share-a-Thon products. | |||
2:30 |
Action Teams: Present their ideas for development of Community Educational Programs on earthquake/tsunami science and preparedness. 15 minutes total per group (10 minutes presentation; 5 minutes discussion). Groups are encouraged to model how they will present specific concepts in different educational settings. |
3:45 | Break (Coffee, tea, juice, snacks) | |||
4:00 | Post-Workshop Assessment (Michael Coe, Beth Pratt-Sitaula). Focus groups will be held by educator type (teachers, interpreters, EM educators). When you are not in a focus group, you will be taking the post-workshop survey. | |||
5:30 | Adjourn |